An update on the Cyberbullying case…

Seems ABC has picked up the story focusing on the lady behind the hoax in the case. The Smoking Gun has the police report Lori Drew filed. There has also been a blog or two that has popped up since the case first broke national headlines. The first titled, “Megan Meier had it coming” assumes to tell the tale of someone who personally knew Megan as she tries to “set the record straight“. It now has 881 comments and counting. Slate has a pretty good rendition of what has gone down so far. And, to borrow a bit from them (since they posted exactly what I was going to post) – “Last week Dardenne Prairie aldermen passed a resolution making cyberstalking a misdemeanor within the city limits.”

Lastly for those who are as intrigued as I am with cyber-law, within the Resolution PDF they mention a US Department of Justice report on Cyber Stalking from 1999 which makes for an interesting read. I shall have to make it my hobby during the holiday break to look up more federal reports and articles on cyber issues. If I wasn’t already enamored with my major I might think about becoming a cyber law expert and possibly even going to law school because I truly enjoying learning about it all. If only I didn’t have to work! Then perhaps I’d have enough time in my life to educate myself and seek higher education in all the things that interest me!